The Publications
Peer-reviewed journal papers
- Lopez, C., Krishnakumari, P., Leclercq, L., Chiabaut, N., van Lint, H. (2017). Revealing the day-to-day regularity of urban congestion patterns with 3D speed maps. Scientific Reports, 7
- Laval, J.A., Leclercq, L., Chiabaut, N., 2017, Minimal parameter formulations of the dynamic user equilibrium using macroscopic urban models: Freeway vs City Streets revisited, 2017. Transportation Research part B, [VOL], [PAGES], doi:10.1016/j.trb.2017.08.027
- Berrebi, S. J., Hans, E., Chiabaut, N., Laval, J.A., Leclercq, L., Watkins, K.E., 2017. Comparing Bus Holding Methods With and Without Real-Time Prediction. Transportation Research Part C, [VOL], [PAGES], doi:10.1016/j.trc.2017/07/012.
- Leclercq, L., Sénécat, A., Mariotte, G., 2017. Dynamic macroscopic simulation of on-street parking search: a trip- based approach. Transportation Research Part B, 101, 268-282, doi:10.1016/j.trb.2017.04.004.
- Mariotte, G., Leclercq, L., Laval, J.A., 2017. Macroscopic urban dynamics: Analytical and numerical comparisons of existing models. Transportation Research Part B, 101, 245-267, doi:10.1016/j.trb.2017.04.002.
- Lopez, C., Krishnokumari, P., Leclercq, L., Chiabaut, N., van Lint, H., 2017. Spatio-temporal partitoning of transportation network using travel time data. Transportation Research Record, 2623, doi:10.3141/2623-11.