The Team
Ludovic Leclercq is a Professor at IFSTTAR (The French Institute of Science and Technology devoted to Transport, Planning and Networks) and is affiliated to the University of Lyon. He received his engineering and master degrees in Civil Engineering in 1998, his PhD in 2002 and his habilitation thesis (HDR) in 2009. He is currently deputy director of the LICIT laboratory and head of a research group about traffic modeling and analysis. His research interests correspond to multiscale and multimodal dynamic traffic modeling and the related environmental externalities. Smart cities, mobility as a service, sustainable and reliable transportation systems are some of the applications his researches are targeting. He is a member of the editorial board of Transportation Research part B, CACAIE, and the Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles, the committee "Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics” of the TRB, the international advisory committee of ISTTT and is associate editor of Transportmetrica B and the Journal of Advanced Transportation. He has co-authored 56 publications in top peer-reviewed journals, has supervised 7 PhD and is currently supervising 6 PhD students. In 2015, he was awarded the most prestigious research grant in Europe, i.e. an ERC consolidator grant in Social Science and Humanities.